Important Vitamins and Minerals for Children’s Teeth and Gums

Most of us are aware that brushing and flossing daily are extremely important for the overall oral health of our children. We also understand that the types of foods and liquids that they consume regularly can have a tremendous impact on oral health. Maintaining a balanced diet that consists of foods and liquids that are rich in vitamins and nutrients will go a long way towards giving your child’s healthy teeth and gums for years to come.

Let’s Talk About The Vitamins and Minerals That Develop Healthy Teeth and Gums

We put together a list of the vitamins and minerals that are important for good oral health. By adding these vitamins and minerals to your child’s diet, you will ensure that their teeth and gums will stay healthy and strong. If you are already on such a plan, you are doing a great job.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is beneficial for your child’s eyes and mouth. It is an important nutrient in gum health as well as for tooth enamel. Teeth enamel contains keratin, a protein that uses Vitamin A when forming. In addition, Vitamin A assists in keeping saliva flowing, which will naturally clean teeth of damaging acids and will prevent dry mouth.

Vitamin A can be found in chicken, dairy, kale, fish, spinach, orange fruits, carrots, sweet potatoes, collared greens, and egg yolks.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays a significant role in keeping the connective tissues of your gums strong. It is a strong antioxidant that will help gums heal and fight inflammation. It does this by helping the body produce more collagen, which assists cell repair and increases the healing process. When this doesn’t happen properly, the tissues that hold your teeth in place can weaken, causing teeth to become loose, gums to bleed, and increase the risk for gum disease.

Vitamin C can be found in spinach, berries, citrus fruits like oranges and kiwi, and sweet potatoes.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D strengthens teeth and helps the body absorb calcium. It makes teeth and bones stronger while reducing the risk of bone fractures and keeping our immune system functioning properly.

Vitamin D can be found in eggs, fish, drinks that have added Vitamin D, and dairy products like cheese and milk.


Calcium is the mineral that plays the biggest role in making up our teeth and jawbones. When we lack calcium, our bodies will remove the calcium that it needs from our bones, which can weaken them. The more calcium that your child has in their diet, the stronger their teeth will be.

Calcium can be found in milk, cheese, and yogurt. It may also be found in broccoli, kale, many grains, fruit juices, some fish with soft bones, and soy and rice beverages.


Your body contains up to 850g ofPhosphorus, most of which is found in your teeth. Phosphorus acts with calcium to protect and build your tooth enamel. Replenishing the levels of phosphorus in your body is important for the maintenance and repair of your teeth and body tissues.

Phosphorus can be found in protein-rich foods like eggs, meats, nuts, legumes, and dairy products.